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Our Mission
Mobile Limb & Brace, Inc. is dedicated to bringing
comprehensive, professional prosthetic and orthotic services to the patient in
the privacy of their own home. By
providing the appropriate device, properly fitted and aligned along with
education and compassionate care, our goal is to restore mobility and
independence to the home bound patient. The definitive difference between Mobile
Limb & Brace and fixed facility providers has been and will continue to be our
unmatched level of personal service.

Top 10 Benefits of In-Home Service
 | The Patient doesn't have to coordinate transportation to and from a
facility |
 | Patients don't expend limited physical energy traveling to a facility |
 | Visits can be scheduled at the patients' convenience |
As a guest in the patients' home, the practitioner can observe and learn a great deal about how the patient manages day to day in their own environment
Working in conjunction with a Home Physical Therapist the patient can be
trained to use their device in the environment where they will use it the most
 | The patient is likely to be more comfortable and less anxious in their own
home |
 | There is never a charge for the In-Home service |
 | Patients never spend time in a waiting room. If there is a delay in the
practitioners' arrival, at least they are waiting in the comfort of their home |
 | A patient is never made to feel rushed because of others waiting behind
them |
 | It is easier to develop a relationship with someone in their home than in
a clinic |

Contact Information
- Name
Craig DeCamp BOCPO, CO
- Telephone
- Postal address
Klondike Rd, West Lafayette, IN 47906
- Electronic mail
- General Information: craig@mobilelimbandbrace.com