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LOWER LIMB - Partial Foot

Utilized for absences of the foot and/or toes below the ankle.

LOWER LIMB - Below Knee - BK

Utilized for absences of the foot and ankle below the knee.

LOWER LIMB - Above Knee - AK

Utilized for absences of the foot, ankle, shin and thigh above the knee joint level.

UPPER LIMB - Below Elbow - BE

Utilized for absences of the hand or below the forearm.

UPPER LIMB - Above Elbow - AE

Utilized for absences of the hand, forearm and elbow above the elbow.


The control of an electric prosthesis is attained by an electro-mechanical switch operated by body movement using straps or cables. A myoelectric prosthesis requires EMG signals from muscles selected and the advantage is in not needing cables or straps to control the operations of the prosthesis.


examples of prosthetic gel liners and stump shrinker